Electromagnetic interaction
Discusses several essential laws that describe the interaction between magnetism, electrical current, and movement namely: Maxwell’s RH corkscrew rule, Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction, Fleming’s LH motor rule, and Fleming’s RH generator rule.
Source: YouTube, 2015, Duration 39:25, URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv5494lRQAs
Electromagnetism: the motor principle
This program introduces the motor principle by using the analogy of a futuristic magnetic rail gun. It also shows current flowing through a simple loop of wire within an external magnetic field, causing the loop to rotate partially with the addition of a split-ring commutator. Continuous rotation is achieved.
Source: ClickView, 1992, Rated G, Duration 9:34, URL: https://online.clickview.com.au/exchange/videos/31693/
AC & DC generators
Discusses electric fields, Coulomb's Law and potential, magnetic fields, magnetism, induction and electromagnetic waves.
Source: ClickView, 2020, Rated G, Duration 3:55, URL: https://online.clickview.com.au/libraries/videos/26420611/7-4-ac-and-dc-generators
Power generation and distribution
Synchrotron science
Synchrotron storage ring
Source: YouTube, 2014, Duration 1:31, URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6ho-tv6XtE
Medical imaging
Amusement park rides