The Crusades - Pilgrimage or Holy war?: Crash Course World History #15
In which John Green teaches you about the Crusades embarked upon by European Christians in the 12th and 13th centuries. Our traditional perception of the Crusades as European Colonization thinly veiled in religion isn't quite right. John covers the First through the Fourth Crusades, telling you which were successful, which were well-intentioned yet ultimately destructive, and which were just plain crazy.
Source: YouTube, Crash Course, 2012, Duration 1:07, URL:
The Medieval Imagination
This film logs the process of organising and curating a medieval art exhibition, including the painstaking process of shipping priceless works of art across the world and preparing them for display.
Source: ClickView, 2008, Rating E, Duration 25:57, URL:
World Book Encyclopedia - Access online via the Library Homepage (log in using your Windows username and password to access)
Architecture of Castles in the Middle Ages
Castles of Britain
Castles of Wales
Chartres Cathedral
Composers of the Middle Ages
Crusades (
Crusades (
Crusades (Wiki)
Chronology of the Crusades
Female heroes from the time of the Crusades
Demons and devotion: Hours of Catherine of Cleves (medieval manuscript)
Inventions in the Middle Ages
Islamic contributions to Medieval Europe
Medieval Architecture - Introduction
Medieval Castles
Medieval Cathedrals (
Medieval Cathedrals (
Medieval manuscripts
Medieval Monasteries
Middle Ages - The Crusades
The Middle Ages - Literature, music and illuminated manuscripts
Middle Ages Music
Middle Ages Music & Instruments
Musical Instruments in the Middle Ages