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ENGLISH12 The Crucible: Relevant Topics

The play is a fictionalised version of the events leading up to the Salem witch trials.

Relevant Topics

Salem Witch Trials

Image courtesy of Bettmann/CORBIS

What really happened. Dig into how the infamous Salem Witch Trials began and why they remain a cautionary tale of groupthink and scapegoating.

Source: YouTube, 2020, TED-ED, Duration 5:30, URL:

McCarthysim & Red Scare

Tells the story of the rise and fall of Senator Joseph McCarthy, a fierce partisan and demagogue whose battles against Communism in early 1950s America utilized the new medium of television to garner public attention. Preying upon the public's fear of communism within the U.S. government, he hurled accusations against numerous political enemies often with little or no evidence, and with scant regard to the principles of due process, free speech, and liberty.


Source: YouTube, 2019, Bill of Rights Institute, Duration 4:19, URL: