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SCIENCE12 Physics ATAR: Wave Particle Duality

Quantum theory

Quantum mechanics - Part 1: Crash Course #43

In this episode of Crash Course Physics, Shini introduces to the idea of Quantum Mechanics and how it helps us understand light.

Source: YouTube, Crash Course, 2017, Duration 8:45, URL:

Quantum mechanics - Part 2: Crash Course physics #44

In this episode of Crash Course Physics, Shini attempts to explain a little more on the topic of Quantum Mechanics.

Source: YouTube, Crash Course, 2017, Duration 9:07, URL:

This map of the sky uses color to show the oldest light in the universe with red showing the warmer spots and blue showing the cooler spots

Theory of relativity

Time dilation - Einstein's theory of relativity explained!

Time dilation and space time are interrelated. Einstein made one of the most important contributions to physics and had the concept of space time explained.

Source: YouTube, Science ABC, 2018, Duration 8:14, URL:

Do you really understand Einstein's Theory of Relativity?

Almost everyone has heard of Albert Einstein, the Nobel prize-winning genius whose theories overturned centuries of scientific thought. But how much do you understand the work that made him really famous – his theory of general relativity?

Source: YouTube, BBC, 2019, Duration 3:43, URL:

Standard model of particle physics

Image source: Flickr; URL:

Wave / Particle Duality

What is Wave/Particle duality? Part 1

In this episode, we discuss the Wave Particle Duality and why quantum mechanics is weirder than anything we're used to in our daily lives!

Source: YouTube, Minute Physics, 2011, Duration 1:06, URL:

The Wave/Particle Duality Part 2 

In this episode, I revisit the wave particle duality and present an intuitive analogy for understanding how it works.

Source: YouTube, 2011, Duration 1:03, URL: